Tuesday 3 September 2024



AM Open Gym for Grades 6-7-8 will start on Thursday, September 5 … Please check the AM OPEN GYM tab for details.

Grade 8 Girls’ and Boys’ Volleyball Practices will (probably) start on Thursday and Friday this week, after school. Please check the Gr. 8 Volleyball tab for details. 

Note: Our Gr. 8 Volleyball Sign-up for this fall is on Thursday and Friday this week. With our Gr. 8 Volleyball Season beginning asap, we must have our teams in place and registered so that leagues and schedules can be organized. If any grade 8 girls or boys are interested in playing volleyball for Shuswap this year, they must sign-up, at lunch, in the gym, on Thursday and Friday of this week. If students miss the sign-up, please see Mr. Smith asap. Cheers

Our Try-Outs for Gr. 8 Volleyball begin on Monday, September 9th, next week… Try-outs are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, next week (9th, 10th, and 12th), from 2:45 to 4:15. 

Gr. 6/7 Fall Sports… Please click on the Tabs above. For our Gr. 6/7 students, they will have the opportunity to participate in Touch Rugby, Gr. 8 Cross Country Running, and/or Volleyball during the fall. 

SMS PE INFORMATION: … Full PE Classes will begin on Thursday this week. Students are expected to change into proper gym strip - shorts (sweat pants/yoga pants), t-shirt, and proper running shoes and change out of their PE cloths after PE class. Again… Full PE Classes begin this week and students are expected to be ready to participate. *** Students will not be permitted to participate in any PE activities if they do not have proper PE footwear… No Crocs, flip-flops, saddles, dress shoes, etc. Proper running shoes must be worn, in order to participate in all PE activities. 

Please check this Blog on a regular basis for information on and/or relating to both SMS PE and Athletics. 

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