Sunday 15 September 2024


Great Opportunity Below for Basketball Players… Kelly Olynyk - Member of Team Canada and the NBA Toronto Raptors will be running a basketball clinic for local boys and girls in his home town, Kamloops… Click on the link below for more details…

REMINDER… Coaches are Volunteers. Teachers who Coach a School Athletic Team don’t get paid and Coaching is not part of our Job Description. We do not get paid to open the gym in the early morning, at lunch, after school, on the weekends, or when we take our teams to weekend tournaments.  Educators Volunteer to Coach because we know the opportunities that playing on a school sport team provides for our students and the potential doors that are opened for them. By participating on a school team, students contribute to school culture and they are provided the opportunities to work on their overall development, growth, and wellbeing. We encourage all of our SMS Students to get involved in our SMS Athletic Program by trying a sport they like and participating on one or more of our school teams each year. Those who are committed and get involved, open doors.  

Our SMS Staff would like to thank everyone for their continued support of our Athletic Program at Shuswap Middle School. 

“The best thing we can do for kids… Instead of teaching them how to always be successful… Teach them how to respond when they are not successful!”   ~ Principal El 

Reminder… 5 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness and Resiliency …

1. Get up Early… when the alarm goes off, don’t hit the snooze … get out of bed…

2. Make Your Bed as a Habit… as soon as you get up make your bed - perfectly! Start the day with a Win!

3. Do Work… Attend AM Open Gym or if not, do push-ups, sit-ups, etc…

4. When the School Day is Over… Study First … If you have early Bball Practice, then study after practice… If you have late Bball Practice, then stay at school, attend Study Hall and Do Your Work… Read, Re-Read, Write, Re-Write, Review - That’s what homework is… 

5. Eat Something You Don’t Like Regularly… as a Habit… Mr. Smith doesn’t let tomatoes be tougher than him… He still doesn’t like tomatoes, but he eats them anyway… 

Why do all the things above … because they are usually the last things you want to do… Do the things that you don’t want to do, but that are good for you, and make them a part of your Daily Habits… That’s how one Develops Mental Toughness. 

 Monday, September 16th …

*NO OPEN GYM for Basketball… Basketball Open Gym will begin next week.

*Gr. 6/7 Girls’ and Boys’ Volleyball Practice After School from 2:40 to 3:50

*Gr. 8 Girls’  Volleyball Practice - 4:00 to 5:15PM

Tuesday, September 17th …

*AM OPEN GYM for Volleyball - Grades 6-7-8 … All levels welcome and encouraged to attend

*Gr. 8 Girls’ Volleyball Practice - 2:40 to 4:15 After School 

*Gr. 6/7/8 Flag Rugby Practice After School 

*Wednesday, September 18th… 


*Gr. 6/7 Girls’ and Boys’ Volleyball Practice After School from 2:40 to 3:50PM

Thursday, September 19th…

*AM OPEN GYM for Volleyball - Grades 6-7-8 … All levels welcome and encouraged to attend

*Gr. 8 Girls’ and Boys’ Volleyball Practice - 2:40 to 4:15 After School 

Friday, September 13th…

*AM OPEN GYM for Volleyball - Grades 6-7-8 … All levels welcome and encouraged to attend

*Gr. 8 Cross Country Running Practice After School

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